Eating dogs in South Korean is a very common thing, just like eating a kind of food. The character Yun-ju, who wanted to be a processor, the problem is that maybe he didn’t bribe the dean or I should say that he didn’t have enough money to bribe the dean, what’s why he didn’t get hired. It probably made him feel angry when he saw barking dogs, there was something wrong in his mind, and he wanted to kill dogs before he got bitted. Later, a dog was killed by him made him feel released. It made I feel like he liked killing animals. There was one thing I wanted to point out was that killing dogs became a part of his life. And there was a homeless person who killed dogs to survive, a janitor liked to eat dogs, the poorest thing is dogs, they get killed and eaten. In the west culture, dogs are our friends; we treat them like our family. And chronic thing was that his wife bought a dog, that made the character JUN-JU CRAZY, he tried to persuade his wife to give up on raising a dog, but he failed, the funny thing was that he changed after his wife bought a dog, Hyun-nam, a girl was a “middle person”, a part of her job was looking for missing dogs, she saved Yun-ju wife’s dog from the homeless. And the homeless was put in jail. Finally, Yun-ju gave the Hyun-Nam a hint that he killed these gods, and felt sorry that a old lady died because of him killed her dog,
That was a very interesting movie, I like it very much.
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