Movie Review and Horror Theory

Write a 200-word movie review of Barking Dogs Never Bite, in which you examine specific examples from the movie that apply to the horror theories discussed in class. Please contact me if you need access to the film on Netflix.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Horror? Hardly.

The movie “Barking Dogs Never Bite” was more of a comedy than a horror. Even during the most suspenseful moments, there were elements that made me laugh rather than cringe in fear. For one example, after the janitor finished telling his story of the boiler repair man who kept saying “spinning,” Yun-Ju comes out and he hears a growl. Although the growl was unexpected, it was very amusing to me. The “scariest” part of the movie was when the bum first makes an appearance and emerges from the darkness under a pile of clothes. At that moment, the skeptical story somewhat seemed like it might’ve been true. Any logic and laws of nature were broken as that shadowy figure popped up, but then it was just a bum.

In this movie we can see many elements of horror from great minds of the past. The basement, for example, had an overall feel of darkness and mysteriousness about it which can relate to childhood fears that Freud spoke of. In accordance with Well’s ideas, many people would be caring to animals and be horrified at the sight of animal abuse/murder. That’s why many people would be shocked when they see Yun-Ju trying to hang the dog or see the janitor eat a dog. However, eating dogs is a common practice in many countries. In fact, my grandmother told me that she once ate a dog back in China and it didn’t really bother me. During the movie there were three scenes that applied to Carroll’s ideas. When Hyun-nam rescues the dog from the bum, the audience is compelled with curiosity to see if she would rescue the dog in time. Also, it is interesting to see whether the dog might actually get eaten or stabbed through with a metal rod. There were also two chase scenes where Hyun-nam was the chaser and the one being chased after. Those two chases brought excitement and again some curiosity of whether someone would get caught.

Again, this movie was mostly a comedy. There were many great moments that were suspenseful but nothing mind blowing happened. Overall it is an okay movie.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Honor is a hole

“Barking dogs never bite" is not really a type of honor movie, it’s a story just like happen around us. Yun-ju, a young professor who was lost his title in the beginning, and put all his anger on a barking dog in the neighborhood. Even though I really don’t like the killing dogs part, that’s the way showing the all Yun-ju’s emotion change. It’s like Zillman and Paulus’ theory “Dispositional alignment”. I really like animal specially dogs, so the killing part was against what I believed, that’s also the reason kept me finished the whole film. Compare to the kid and the old lady who lost their dogs to the three male charters killed or ate dogs in the movie, I see the phenomenon in our society. The kid and that old lady represent the innocent part of our society, Yun-ju, the doorman and wanderer shows human’s desire. Yun-ju hated barking dog in the beginning was just like he lost his job, he thought lost job is just upset him like dog barking, and he willing to do everything to get rid of his problem. After he killed two dogs, his wife brought a dog herself, and losing it Yun-ju realized what he doing was wrong. It’s just like his career, he was sad in the beginning because he didn’t get his title. After he bribe the college’s president and get the title as he always wished, he still didn’t look happy. To me, that’s the honor, a fear lives in a person and controls him, after all the struggles, his soul was still empty.

Our Poor Dogs

Eating dogs in South Korean is a very common thing, just like eating a kind of food. The character Yun-ju, who wanted to be a processor, the problem is that maybe he didn’t bribe the dean or I should say that he didn’t have enough money to bribe the dean, what’s why he didn’t get hired. It probably made him feel angry when he saw barking dogs, there was something wrong in his mind, and he wanted to kill dogs before he got bitted. Later, a dog was killed by him made him feel released. It made I feel like he liked killing animals. There was one thing I wanted to point out was that killing dogs became a part of his life. And there was a homeless person who killed dogs to survive, a janitor liked to eat dogs, the poorest thing is dogs, they get killed and eaten. In the west culture, dogs are our friends; we treat them like our family. And chronic thing was that his wife bought a dog, that made the character JUN-JU CRAZY, he tried to persuade his wife to give up on raising a dog, but he failed, the funny thing was that he changed after his wife bought a dog, Hyun-nam, a girl was a “middle person”, a part of her job was looking for missing dogs, she saved Yun-ju wife’s dog from the homeless. And the homeless was put in jail. Finally, Yun-ju gave the Hyun-Nam a hint that he killed these gods, and felt sorry that a old lady died because of him killed her dog,

That was a very interesting movie, I like it very much.

Barking Dogs Movie Review

irst of all, I feel disgusting in the beginning of the movie when the dog is hanged up and I seriously suspect the subtitle which says no animals are being misused before the movie starts. Look at the poses that the pity dog strikes, it looks so real that it is actually being hanged. And also in the fall of the second dog, see how it flies? The movie is made in 2000 and how it is possible to make the movie special effects so real.
Back to the movie, Yun-Ju is stressful of being unemployed and his stress turns into hatred when he hears the annoying dog barks. It stimulates his mind and motivates his thought of murdering the dog. After he finds the dog, he cannot bear himself to throw it off the building so he locks the dog to the closet in the basement. Again, the dog barks never stop. He notices there is another dog with an old woman who lives alone under his apartment. He plans to kill it and this time he becomes a professional dog killer. It is so sad that he throws the dog hardly off the building. Here we can apply Zuckerman’s theory, “Sensation seeking: appeal in which high sensation seeking people are said to be attracted to horror because of the increased levels of sensation these takes provide.” Yun-Ju’s heartlessness has increased in these two incidents. Even though he didn’t kill the first dog but it is ate by the guard because Yun-Ju took it there. The second time he actually kills it and once again the guard eats it! The audiences must hate these two guys so much through the scenes of horror is added more and more.
Also the movie is dramatic. Aristotle says, “Dramatic portrayals gave the audience an opportunity to purge itself of certain negative emotions.” I believe everyone who hates Yun-Ju in the beginning has differed their thoughts along with how Yun-Ju changes in the end of the story. Yun-Ju changes a lot after he realizes his wife has sacrificed herself with the money to bribe the dean to obtain the position of being a professor. He spends the whole night looking for the dog and confesses for his murder act.
This is a not too scary but an unusual black comedy and it is enjoyable to watch the humor in this movie except some lens of misusing the dogs.

Kinda Weird.......

Movie had its disgusting moments but I kept reminding myself that no animals were harmed in the making of the film. It captured the horror by the scenes that taken place in the basement with the creepy janitor and his creepy story. The gross factor of the movie keeps with the horror theme and many dog lovers would be horrified by the movie. The movie wasn’t suspenseful and didn’t keep you on the edge at all. I would say the part when the main character got drunk and almost hit his head by the train, it left you wondering if he actually died and that was did a good job in keeping you guessing.
It was a bit more comical if anything with all the cursing and derogatory comments. The part where the husband kept on making bets with the wife about every single thing they argue about was hilarious. The 100 meter toilet paper roll was very clever when he didn’t want to walk to the store to buy the dog milk. The villain that is in the movie is himself and his problems with dogs along with his dilemma with bribery. He really wants the job and in the process is distracted by dogs for some reason. The climax is when the dog is rescued and the fat chick bum rushes the bum LOL!! So funny I couldn’t stop laughing but overall the movie wasn’t too bad……….better than the Bai Ling movie we watched.

Barking Dogs Never Bite, but they can sometimes put you to sleep

Barking Dogs Never Bite is a dark comedy with elements of horror, that starts out strong, but finishes in a lackluster manner. The earlier scenes of the movie are quite scary, as we here the constant barking of a dog, which brings to mind the possibility of a Cujo-style horror movie, with a ravenous dog on the attack. Yun-ju, constantly annoyed by the barking dog, is driven to kill it, at first trying to hang the dog. However, he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror while attempting to hang the dog, and it seems that he is so disgusted with the act that he cannot continue. He ends up locking the dog in a closet and letting it starve to death. The two dog-murder scenes in the film are good examples of Wells’ ideas about horror, in that horror relates to a preoccupation with the innocence of childhood. We associate pet dogs with kids, amongst other things, and as children we are taught never to do such things to our pets.

The Wells theory on horror works especially well with this movie, because Wells believes that comedies share the same aspects mentioned above. Later on in the movie, Sun-Ju’s wife buys a dog, and Sun-Ju loses the dog while walking it. He is forced by his wife to essentially search night-and-day for it, if he wants his wife to pay a bribe for him. So Sun-Ju, in a darkly comedic turn of events, is forced to search for the very thing he hates, the thing he spent the first half of the movie killing in various ways.

The idea behind the movie is very interesting, and it is fairly entertaining at first, but as the plot goes on, the dialogue and events get a bit flat, and the audience simply loses interest. It would have been great as an hour-long short film, but two hours was simply too much.

Human Behavior

The movie shows the story of a man who has an inner conflict. He is under pressure because he doesn't have a job, his dominant wife is pregnant, and he wants to become a professor. He is the product of an idiosyncrasy, in which corruption, instead of meritocracy, is the predominant factor.

His conflict is manifested by his repressed emotions, as Freud says, with an "uncanny" feeling. On the outside he has to fit into a male dominated society, however, at home his wife controls to the extend that he is afraid of her; therefore, he lets his negative emotions out on dogs. In that sense, to kill a little innocent dog is easier than to let his frustration go out on his wife who is pregnant.

Jung's theory of "primordial images that reside in the collective unconscious" is addressed in the dark and unorganized basement, since those are places associated with uncomfortable feelings. In the film, the basement is an underworld full of danger.

While the "educated" protagonist kills a dog due to his personal problems, the homeless guy kills dog for necessity. So who is the real villain in the movie? From my point of view there are no villians; instead, I felt compassion for them. However, the scenes in which the protagonist threw the old lady's dog and the one in which the homeless guy tries to impale the dog are perturbing.

To conclude, the movie not only touches horror theories but also topics of gender relations, youth rebellion, and poverty; however, it scratches only the surface. The themes are not fully explored and leave the viewer with many unanswered questions.

Horror is from the dark inside

The film "Barking dogs never bite" is not as horrific as the "Scream" films or "the Dumplings". It doesn't have graphic scenes or frightening sound effects. But it does contain elements of horror films. In China, eating dog meat, just like eating frog, is not considered as a horrible act. But there are still a lot stories about friendship between dogs and humans. Also, dogs are considered as humans' best friends in China. Is it odds that Chinese are ignorant about eating dog since they consider dogs their best friends? In the China's history, famines happened very often. The latest one occurred in 1953, in which about 300,000 people died. In any famine, Chinese eat whatever is available, such as grass, leaves, some earth and all kinds of animals. According to Freud, horror is "manifestation of the "uncanny",recurring thoughts...repressed by the ego...vaguely familiar to the individual." Through formal or informal education, we are taught that watching your relatives die of hunger is more horrific than eating dogs. Horror is destruction to humanity. Therefore, when I watched the scene, which the security guard pulled out a dog body from the bucket, I was disturbed and I felt sort of uncomfortable and angry. But soon the feelings subsided. That is because my culture background overcame my disturbing feeling. However, I felt more frightened when I watched the main character Yoon-ju threw the hammer towards his wife. I was afraid that he would do something terrible to his wife. The same Freud horror theory applied to the scene of the security telling "Boiler Kim" story. Every Chinese believes that the persons who died unpeacefully will become ghosts, who will haunt persons who disrespect them. When I watched that scene, I felt something invisible behind me and frightened. So does Yoon-ju. He may feel more scared because he kills a dog in that basement, which can turn into a ghost to haunt him.
Don’t let the title fool you, barking dogs DO sometimes bite. The film centers around a forlorn adjunct professor, Yun-ju, who’s pushed over the edge of madness by the constant barking of a mysterious dog in his apartment complex. The subject of the film quickly becomes the villain once he locates the source of the barking. While the disturbing actions of the main character combined with the appearance of a creepy little girl in a rain coat early in the film might make viewers expect the story to enter “The Ring” territory, instead, the tale transcends from a heart-pounding thriller into a quirky dark comedy. The director seems almost to be running a test experiment of Dolf Zillman’s excitation transfer theory by taking you from the basest of human cruelty to the height of righteousness. After getting through the grindhouse portion of the movie, the viewer is left to explore a rather enjoyable story of elaborate connections unfold as Yun-ju forges an unlikely friendship with Hyun-nam, one half of an eccentric lesbian couple. Pushed together through ironic circumstance, both characters are in the midst of existential crises and we get to watch them act out with polar opposite results. The title of the film ultimately seems to be a reverse metaphor for its main characters; the two most afraid to be heard become the ones who execute the most daring feats.
The movie "Barking dogs never bite" seems funny to me but at the same time it makes me upset about killing innocent animals.Yoon-ju that male professor who was anxious about his job has brought excitement here.He stole those dogs in a very smart way.Finally his wife has brought a dog at home and loosing that it changed his attitude towards dogs totally.Loosing that dog made him anxious and restless.To keep peace at home he was finding that little dog like a mad.A man once who dislikes dog that same person suddenly became helpless after loosing that dog.I think in the movie when the dog "Soon-ja" was saved by that girl from a phycho man was really exciting.The sound has played a great role to bring fear among the audience and make them curious to know what'll happen next.Even It was so scary to me and I think that moment my blood pressure went up.But the end it makes me really happy when that dog was found and Yoon-ja was changed.

Biting Dog never barks

The movie “Barking Dogs Never Bite” reveals a true society from a unique angle. Yun-Ju’s story actually shows a big group of people who live under average income--how do they survive in an unfair society.
In this movie, three dogs represent three dar-horror stories among several people, meanwhile they connect the stories together. There are several horror points in the movie. The first horror part comes from how does Yun-Ju treat the little girl’s dog and also when he throws the old granny’s dog from the roof. As what Zillman and Paulus’s theories state that it is hard for people to see the innocent are abused because that against what we learned from moral and justice. Abusing animals is morally wrong in the public; therefore seeing Yun-Ju lock the dog in the closet and throw the dog out of the building terrifies audience. Especially the dog’s death directly causes granny’s death.
In a way, the Yun-Jo can be seen as a "dog killer". However, Yun-Ju himself is a victim of the collapse society, his wife devotes her last salary to helping him achieve the dream of being a professor which Yun-ju had no idea about it till the time he was told. Yun-Ju feels badly. When the movie comes to this point, we cannot really accuse Yun-Ju as a “dog killer”, instead we concentrate more on what will happen to the dog. And the threatening environment leans to the dog eater. We concern on whether the girl can escape or not., so by the end, audience is nervous about the dog Soon-ja's result. The horror comes from our curiosity how the story ends just as what Carroll says.
Generally, the movie is enjoyable because three little stories are combined well and work for the theme all together. By the end, instead of being threatened by particular scene, I am more aware of the society, where the justice is and how the group who are mistreated by the society survive. The society is like a biting dog, you can get hurt from it without any warning.

Yoon-ju is an unemployed grad student who hopes to become a professor. He lives with his pregnant wife in an apartment. Mostly the middle class people live in this apartment building. He is so stress because he doesn’t any job. He has no stable income, and his wife is only earning member in his family. He needs ten thousand dollars to bribe the dean. Yoon-ju disturbs by the dogs’ bark and wants to kill them. Also the place he lives is a noisy mess. One day he kidnaps a little white dog to kill. On the first attempt he feels really bad, and then keeps the dog in a wardrobe in the basement. Carroll said, “Horror films stimulate and excite positive emotions like curiosity and fascination.” I find something that makes me curious to know about the movie. When the security guard says about “Boiler Kim”, I thought really there is something still alive to kill them. And the sound affects make it real. Also when Yoon-ju hides in the wardrobe, after that it makes us curious when the security guard steps forward with his knife. All of these scenes make questions to audience that what will happen in future? Then we as audience more focus on movie until it finish.

Review of Barking Dogs Never Bite

Yun-Ju is a college professor whose dislike of banking dogs, it eventually drives him to seek out these dogs and kill them. He has the idea of offering a bribe in order to get a full professorship. That, along with the stress of his overbearing (and pregnant) wife puts a strain on him to the point where he seems to become unbalanced. He gets a small dog away from its elderly owner and then throws the dog off the roof of his building. To make things worse, his wife brings home a dog that she forces him to take care. Yun-Ju losses his wife's dog in the park while walking into a cloud of pesticides. While looking for the dog, he realizes that his building's superintendent might be making a meal of the dog in the basement, as Yun-Ju witnessed before. Yun-Ju finds the super making soup and asks to use the bucket that the super is sitting on. I think this is a good example of what Carroll meant by "exciting positive emotions like curiosity". Yun-Ju and the audience are both sure that the missing dog will be found in the bucket, but in what condition alive, dead, or somewhere in between? While I don't think that the movie is a true horror film, it could be considered a dark comedy.
Barking Dogs Never Bite

I watched to movie “Barking Dogs Never Bite” was tremendously different kind of aspects to indicate. The actor Yun-Ju a college lecturer who has already had crazy pressure by his pregnant wife's, did not like to neighborhood dogs in around him and he wanted to kill them because they barking and bothered him. He had been extremely stressful time and waiting hire to job. Also, in the same time he had to deal with his bossy pregnant wife. This can be explained by Aristotle “Catharsis; dramatic portrayals gave the audience an opportunity to purge itself of certain negative emotions”. Sometimes we had a tough time and we wanted to show the others ours anger or frustrated. We wanted to hurt them as we felt.
The movie was my first Korean produce and I did not find any funny scene. One thing was maybe little funny that; security guy did not want to eat his dog dinner without spice.
End of the movie he got the job and everything goes well. I should say that I enjoyed watching the movie because gave me kind of inspiration that hard time for a while after everything goes well and smooth. So it is reasonable to see it.

Not too dark, or a comedy

I find it hard to classify "Barking Dogs" into the traditional categories of comedy, horror, drama, etc. None of the parts were particularly funny or scary in themselves. However, as a whole the film offers interesting commentary on life in Korea and some universal themes. Both Yun-ju and Hyeon-nam are young and trying to decide what to do with their lives. Yun-ju wants to be professor, but from the start he does not seem cut out for the job. When he becomes one he doesn't seem happy at all, he looks extremely sad and trapped in the final scene where the curtains are being shut. Meanwhile, Hyeon-nam goes hiking which is also what she wanted to do, and somehow her ending is a more hopeful one. Perhaps Yun-ju realized his dream job wasn't what he actually wanted and is crushed, while Hyeom-nam is still searching.

"Barking Dogs" does contain several elements of horror that were discussed in class. The supernatural element is introduced with the story of Boiler Kim. For a moment the audience is actually made believe that there is something in the walls. Then, the homeless guy is revealed and he chases Yun-ju until he bangs his head. The second element is social norm violation, throwing dogs off rooftops is probably not common in any culture.

Overall the movie was enjoyable and leaves the viewer with something to think about.

Seeking A Reason to Blow Up

We all get angry of something, and at the end we do some unrelated things to show our anger. In this movie, I see that guy is under pressure and he is not happy at all. Moreover, his pregnant wife gets more and more emotional and pushes him to work and take care of her. I remember when I was in high school.
I used to get mad at something at school and come home and everything look so uncomfortable to me. I was seeking a reason to blow up and it was just foolish at the end, but we people do not realize things unless we look at them out of the scene. In this movie, the guy was in the same situation but worse for sure. After all, I think he is having psychological problems to show his anger on barking dogs. The scene he torture the dog was quite repulsive and I could not stand it because I love dogs. He was abusive and I felt weird while i was watching the movie. However, it was also interesting to me that I have not seen a Korean movie before. I find it very different than other kinds. Also, I could not distinguish how it is a drama and a comedy at the same time. I did not find any funny scene at all. But overall, i like the movie. 

Dark Comedy

A perfect example of a dark comedy movie is like " Barking Dogs Never Bite".It shows complexe people relationship in society, and if you deeply feel the film, it is a little bit scary because of the film color and story about those dogs--killed and being eaten. The guy, Yun-ju was trying to earn professional degree, but a barking dog made him and his wife uncomfortable. He decided to murder the dog, but unfortunately, he got a wrong dog--the dog's owner's poster indicates that the dog he killed never barking. From this point, I remember one episode from T.V. show "sinfield", it also told us a story how people hate barking dog then decide to kidnap it. Then I have to ask, "if it was not a dog, but a man barking, are they going to kill the man as well?" and the girl works as a bookkeeper maybe but she did not enjoy her life either but was animated when she learns of a lost dog because she wants to get on TV.
It is not a laugh-out-loud comedy, and sometimes in dark comedy movie, it brings some horror, such as some film elements that we discussed during class, for instance, Yun-ju, the character is like Aristotle's theory---catharsis, he is so passive and angry when he gets in trboule, he release only anger instead of sympathy. due to the hard life, he hate everything: life, career, and even his wife, but he did not try to change it, instead he tried to murder a dog
--it just gave the audience an opportunity to purge itself of certain negative emotions and also can relate to carroll's norm violating. And the working girl is like a day-dreaming people, always want to be a big hero and make her famous.
I have to say the movie is impressive because it makes me think about my way of dealing with life.

Dark or comedy?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A True Horror Film?

One would argue that the film "Barking Dogs don't Bite" is a comedy film rather than a horror film. I would like to say that the film has little hints of both elements. The film doesn't have as much humor as "The Hangover", nor does it has as much horror as "The Grudge", but it definitely found a niche somewhere in between. In the beginning, I had expectations that the film was a horror film, with ghostly images, carnivorous hounds, spooky and dark music, along with creepy images popping up on the screen. Instead, I was greeted with soft but yet dark humor. Freud's theory of horror would apply in this film, it clearly states "a manifestation of the "uncanny," reoccurring thoughts and feelings that have been repressed by the ego but which seem vaguely familiar to the individual." The uncanny refers to the absurd and the unorthodox, for example, in the film where the protagonist, Yun-Ju throws a dog off the roof of a 20+ floor building. My initial reactions were among the lines of "There is no way that they're going to show a scene where a dog gets dropped off a building", and I was right. The protagonist hesitated, turned around, and walked back, but then in a split second impulse decision, he throws the dog off the building. After seeing that, I was laughing deliriously because it was just ridiculous. There's a big difference between being dropped off a building than being thrown off the building, and the fact that it was replayed over in slow motion adds to the dark humor of the film.

I was born in United States, raised in its western culture and lifestyle. I'm used to seeing dogs being treated with care and love, and this film is definitely a new eye opener for me. I was surprised to see dogs being thrown from roofs and cooked caveman style by a homeless with mental problems, and it was even more of a shock to me to hear that it is not uncommon to have dogs for dinner in Korean. I thought situations like that would only exist in movies, but it's real.

I do not think it was a great film at all, the acting, the characters itself, the plot, the action, everything could've been improved, but honestly, I wouldn't expect much from a film from the 2000s. I would imagine that many people would be offended by this movie, especially animal lovers. I personally think I have a huge sense of humor, and as a result, the majority of the film was completely hilarious to me. A dog being thrown off the roof in such a unorthodox style, the scene where the homeless stole the janitor's food, the female protagonist confronts the homeless man with numerous fans cheering in the background, I could go on and on. One scene that I didn't like was when Yun-Ju tricked the old lady with mangos/oranges so he could kidnap her "Baby" and throws it off the roof later, I thought that scene was extremely disrespectful. Throwing dogs off a building? Fine. A drunk professor being hit by a train? Fine. Barbecuing dogs? Fine. Stealing the only friend away from an innocent elderly person is beyond immorality. I just can't fathom what he could've been possibly thinking when he did that, and to make matters worse, she died soon after finding the corpse of her "Baby". The film violates all the principles and morals that society had set for us, and that's what makes this film a true horror film.

Barking Dogs

The movie “Barking Dogs Never Bite” accentuates the idea that we are all the end results of our surrounding circumstances. These circumstances shape our morals, and compel us to make certain choices in our lifetime. In the movie, the protagonist (dog killer) and the homeless guy are both portrayed as villains, and they both are the products of their own life circumstances. Throughout the movie, the protagonist is experiencing all kinds of stress factors, such as loss of a job, a pressure from having a demanding pregnant wife etc., the accumulation of which necessitates a release. Perhaps, someone who is familiar with such stress factors could experience similar release (catharsis), while watching this movie. Furthermore, it was obvious that dogs brought some feelings of animosity upon him, or unleashed something “uncanny”, as Fraud would say, perhaps even aroused fear within him; otherwise he wouldn’t have such a vigorous desire to get rid of them. In the movie, the protagonist’s dream of becoming a professor asserts about his desire of achieving highly respectable social status, and losing it all contributes to the realization of his worst fear, i.e. becoming a social outcast. The homeless guy is also a product of his environment, although he has different reasons for wanting the dog dead- he is merely hungry. I guess Wells is right for stressing the substantial correlation between horror and comedy. These two genres share the virtue of innocence, perhaps even a child like minimalism. Just as children, who do not grasp socially acceptable standards, the homeless guy also lacks the sense of social normality. The scene, where he tries to skew and roast the dog, and then offers to share it with the girl is quite disturbing, but yet innocent. His undoubting assumption that everybody’s moral standards are in accord with his own is hilarious.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Yun-Ju, a college lecturer who couldn’t bribe the dean to be a professor, always disturbed by the dogs’ bark and wanted to kill them. In one plot, he made a mistake by putting a dog in the dark cabinet. Later he found out that the dog actually couldn’t bark, so then he went back to the basement. However, the dog was in the hand of the security who was preparing for the dinner. Soon after, the light went out in the basement and the plot started to give audience chilled. The sensation of the movie, the security’s story about “boiler Kim”, the back ground sound affect and the way the security tell story are what make the movie horrify. This situation can be explained by what Carroll would call “Norm Violating”.

Whenever we get excited or curious about something, we kind of focus on that something more than usual. It’s because we wanted to know what’s going to happen after the light went out, after the security’s story-telling ended, and whether Yun-Ju will get caught or not. We are all curious about it. Then, combining with our curiosity and the fascination of the sound affect, the sensation that impact upon us and our concentration rate getting higher and higher and finally we reach to the state where we started to feel chilly and fear. That’s where the audience started to pay attention more on the movie.
I think this movie reflects the realistic life of South Korea. Middle class People live in the apartment building. At the beginning of this movie, a dog kept barking. It disturbed the main actor Yun-ju. He supposed to be a college lecturer but waiting for a job at home. He was so stress to have ten thousands money to bribe the dean. He didn’t like dogs. He thought only rich people who can raise a dog. He tried to kill the white pud-dog, finally he locked the dog on the closet. But he killed a dog that own by an old lady. He tried to do this to make himself feel better. Later he felt sorry after he know the old lady died because of her soul mate’s dog left her. And the other charactor, janitor, who was lack of discipline. He killed dogs and ate them at the basement. He tried to scare his colleague by telling a story of Boiler Kim. According to Carroll’s Norm violating theory, a janitor enjoys killing dogs and eating them in a cruel way of his fascination. This movie has a happy ending, Yun-ju gets his job and he doesn't hate dog any more. A homeless man who is happy to be in prison because he needs foods. It also reflects that bribery is very common in South Korea. It is funny that Yun-ju think other people are stupid by sending money through bank. He just hides the money on the bottom of the cake's box.

Barking Dogs Movie Review

 As I watched the movie I had some clue and felt like it is a lesson not a horrible movie. The male character Yoon-ju was used to be a college lecturer. He felt gloomy to have not job and also there were dogs in his resident building. The negative mood toward to dogs and he intended to kill the dog which belong to a little girl at the beginning. Instead of killing dog, he locked the dog in the closet of basement. According to Zillman’s excitation transfer theory, Yoon-ju would fell pleasure after relieve his negative mood. Since he have been unemployed he had plenty time deal with dog issue. Then he actually murdered the dog that own to an old lady. That was a horrible and cruel act which normal human being is not doing such thing. When Yoon-ju met a lady named Hyun-nam, her selfless disposition admired Yoon-ju. It is good ending that Yoon-ju realized that his acts to dog is not moral and involve someone else’s life and indirect take away the one’s life (i.g the old lady). The movie also reflects the phenomena of bribe in the South Korean society. To be survive and living in a life is hard sometime one have to adjust their principle to the society. It is worth to watch it.